AI Host for Live Show

AI Host does not replace a real one. However, it enables anyone to create and host Live Shows in minutes instead of days. With the AI-generated host by LiveReacting, you can now stream professional-looking Trivia Shows at scale and on a budget. No cameras or actors are required.

So, what are the core features of the AI Host for Live Trivia? When you enter trivia questions and answers on any topic, the AI Host recognises them, immediately generates a script, synthesises it into a speech, and naturally interacts with players in real time.

How do I make an AI live stream?

Creating an AI live stream involves using a platform that allows you to choose from pre-existing AI avatars or upload a custom one to serve as the live stream host. These AI avatars can present your content in multiple languages and accents, adding a personalized touch to your live stream and enhancing viewer engagement globally.

How does the Trivia Game with AI Host Work?

  1. You select a pre-made Trivia Game template in LiveReacting, customise it if needed (included in a Free Trial).
Choose a Template

2. Customise Trivia Game questions & answers. You can either pick pre-made, or enter yours. You can also adjust the design of your trivia (add logo, images, etc.)

Live Trivia Game Customization

3. Choose AI host, language they speak, choose your social account (Facebook, Youtube, or Twitch) in Settings and Go Live.

Choose Host, Language, Social Account and Go Live

4. First, your audience will see a countdown. Meanwhile, the AI host will explain the rules, introduce the topic, and talk about it before the first question appears on the screen.

Countdown to the Live Show

5. The host sees the first question and reads it together with answer options. If there's enough time, the host will share some interesting facts about the topic to keep the audience engaged. Viewers answer using comments, and the system recognises and calculates the answers in real-time.

First Question

6. At the end of each question, the AI Host will announce the correct answer, results, and can even call participants' names.

Announcing Results

7. At the end of the whole game, the host announces the results from the main leaderboard.

Final Leaderboard Announcement

This is how the Live Trivia with the AI Host works. You can follow the detailed tutorial on how to set up the Live Trivia with a host in our Help Base and contact us anytime in the live chat on our website for assistance.

You can also check this video to get more details:

AI-generated Host for Trivia Game

Watch a Video about AI Host for the Live Show