Top 5 Pre-Recorded Live Streams To Generate More Engagement

Pre-recorded Live Stream Ideas

Live streaming is a vast social media power these days, and if you miss the boat, you could be missing out on a huge opportunity to spread the word about your business and grow your revenues. We’ve previously talked about how live streams drive more engagement than traditional videos, and now we want to throw some ideas on what type of content you can upload to stream. Yep, we said ‘upload to stream,’ because you don’t have to stream the actual event since LiveReacting allows recording and scheduling live streams that start and end automatically. Let’s look into some ideas.

Product Launch or Company Announcements

Streaming video with a demonstration of the best way to use your new product or service is better than any written instruction manual you can think of. Besides showing the pro’s of your product, you’re building excitement around the product launch, in fun and engaging form.

Got some other exciting news? Live stream makes any announcement feel more meaningful than posting a simple video. Besides that, a live announcement will allow your audience to share their thoughts and ideas in real-time.

Samsung Live Streaming Product Launch


Live interviews tend to drive greater emotional engagement, as they are not edited and polished as any other type of content. You can record an interview feature with creators, team members, influencers, customers, and stream the video as live.

Pro Tip: Promoting your live stream in advance is highly essential. Begin the tease a few days in advance: create a scheduling notification and share the link to all your social media channels before you start your broadcast.

WW Now Live Streaming an Interview


Take your followers with you to music concerts, church services, or sports events. Your audience can grasp nearly the same feeling from the live stream, as if it was the real event. It’s for a reason there is a term like FOMO (fear of missing out), which proves another time that the feeling of watching a live event is superior compared to just a simple uploaded video.

The Emirates FA Cup Live Streaming Cup Final


Authenticity is what is valued at most. When the audience feels that things are being staged, they feel less invested in your business. Live Streaming pre-recorded video tutorials can give your audience a feeling of authenticity and connect them even more to your business or community.

Pro Tip: If you choose to stream with LiveReacting, you don’t need to worry about your internet connection, as the platform is entirely cloud-based, and your video will be streamed from our servers.

Sephora Live Streaming a Makeup Tutorial

Behind the Scenes

Streaming ‘Behind the scenes’ content helps to create a unique connection with your audience and make them feel special, as you’re allowing them to gain a more in-depth insight into your business. You can stream some exclusive pieces of the production process, or how you and your team are involved, which will help to build even more trust around your brand.

BBC Live Streaming Behind The Scenes

In conclusion, there are endless options to include live streaming in your social media ration. The main point is that live streams create a personal connection with your audience, which helps to enhance the growth of your business, and with streaming solutions like Livereacting, you can stream your pre-recorded content as live. This approach will help you to avoid the stress before launching the live stream and save your time.

Check out the tutorial on how to stream your pre-recorded video as live within a couple of minutes.